DevOps Configuration Management

2021-03-12T03:59:40+00:00April 27th, 2020|Tags: |

Configuration management operates project artefact relations. “Operates” means identification or creation, storage, retrieval, audit, control, identification and change. Configuration management combines configurations with artefacts and source code. This course looks at DevOps configuration management [...]

Deep Learning and AI

2021-07-19T01:53:31+00:00February 28th, 2019|Tags: , |

This course is an introduction to the highly celebrated area of Neural Networks, popularised as “deep learning” and “AI”. The course will cover the key concepts underlying neural network technology, as well as the unique capabilities of a number of advanced deep learning technologies, including Convolutional Neural Nets for image recognition, recurrent neural nets for time series and text modelling, and new artificial intelligence techniques including Generative Adversarial Networks and Reinforcement Learning. Practical exercises will present these methods in some of the most popular Deep Learning packages available in Python, including Keras and Tensorflow. Trainees are expected to be familiar with the basics of machine learning from the Fundamentals course, as well as the python language.

Text and Language Analytics

2021-10-22T01:05:45+00:00January 22nd, 2019|Tags: , |

Text analytics is a crucial skill set in nearly all contexts where data science has an impact, whether that be customer analytics, fraud detection, automation or fintech. In this course, you will learn a toolbox of skills and techniques, starting from effective data preparation and stretching right through to advanced modelling with deep-learning and neural-network approaches such as word2vec.

Forecasting and Trend Analysis

2021-03-12T03:57:54+00:00February 12th, 2019|Tags: , |

This course is an intuitive introduction to forecasting and analysis of time-series data. We will review a range of standard forecasting methods, including ARIMA and exponential smoothing, along with standard means of measuring forecast error and benchmarking with naive forecasts, and standard pre-processing/de-trending methods such as differencing and missing value imputation. Other topics will include trend/seasonality/noise decomposition, autocorrelation, visualisation of time series, and forecasting with uncertainty.

Advanced Python 1

2021-03-12T03:57:58+00:00March 5th, 2019|Tags: , |

This class builds on the introductory Python class. Jupyter Notebook advanced use and customisation is covered as well as configuring multiple environments and kernels. The Numpy package is introduced for working with arrays and matrices and a deeper coverage of Pandas data analysis and manipulation methods is provided including working with time series data. Data exploration and advanced visualisations are taught using the Plotly and Seaborne libraries.

Advanced R 1

2021-03-12T03:57:58+00:00March 1st, 2019|Tags: , |

This class builds on “Intro to R (+data visualisation)” by providing students with powerful, modern R tools including pipes, the tidyverse, and many other packages that make coding for data analysis easier, more intuitive and more readable. The course will also provide a deeper view of functional programming in R, which also allows cleaner and more powerful coding, as well as R Markdown, R Notebooks, and the shiny package for interactive documentation, browser-based dashboards and GUIs for R code.

Advanced R 2

2021-03-12T03:57:58+00:00March 1st, 2019|Tags: , |

This course goes deeper into the tidyverse family of packages, with a focus on advanced data handling, as well as advanced data structures such as list columns in tibbles, and their application to model management. Another key topic is advanced functional programming with the purrr package, and advanced use of the pipe operator. Optional topics may include dplyr on databases, and use of rmarkdown and Rstudio notebooks.

DevOps Version Control

2021-10-22T01:26:24+00:00April 24th, 2020|Tags: |

Version or source control is very different in DevOps compared with the software development life cycle (SDLC). The larger the project, the more important version control is. It is the key enabler of automation, [...]

Advanced Python 2

2021-04-13T04:06:24+00:00March 5th, 2019|Tags: , |

In the Advanced Python 2 course, you will learn advanced methods and packages for working with "big data" with Pandas. The course also covers using Dask for parallel computation. Machine learning is demonstrated with [...]

DevOps Test Automation

2021-03-12T03:59:40+00:00April 27th, 2020|Tags: |

There are many kinds of tests, depending on application type and customer environment. But generally, tests can be simplified into unit, acceptance and exploration tests. Unit test automation had been discussed in the Devops [...]

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