Pekka Barck has 30 years of experience in the IT space. His focus on information management and automation has resulted in experience in all major industry sectors in 20 countries and four continents. As a leading authority in advanced process automation, complex ecosystems, big data, security and agile, he has had a solid background from many environments both as a customer and a consultant.
Before joining AlphaZetta, Pekka has made more than 100 public appearances. Events include TDWI (UK), VLDB (France), Aalto University (Finland), IBM CIO Forum (France), SPSS (Finland), Teradata Partners (USA), Teradata Universe (Korea, China and Singapore), Marcusevans (Holland and France), Intelligent Solutions (USA), Business Objects (France), Informatica (USA), Microstrategy (Indonesia) and Oil&Gas events (UK).