Dev Ops Curriculum
Through our DevOps Curriculum you will discover how DevOps is redefining IT culture. AlphaZetta member Pekka Barck has created a modular six-day training package that gives the complete picture of deploying a single DevOps step or project or planning a multi-year corporate wide strategy. The eight individual modules are loaded with practical advice, checklists, best practices and exercises. We have created the modules with development, operations and business in mind. Join us on this deep dive through the deployment pipeline to continuous integration. You get the capabilities to determine the bearing and velocity.
AlphaZetta’s workshops and courses are like none other offered in universities, online or by private providers. They are also as much a compressed mentoring experience as they are content delivery; they are not easy for an average trainer to replicate.
Contact us today to discuss how our DevOps Curriculum could be tailored for your organisation.

Core Courses | Electives |
Curriculum Outcomes
Participants undertaking all tracks will learn the following:
- A complete understanding of
- terminology
- principles
- concepts
- processes
- Understand what is needed for your own DevOps endeavour and where to start
- Get the capability to create a DevOps strategy
- Understand what is needed in your organization
- Understanding of supporting technology
- Skills to plan the first projects or sprints
- Understand new roles and organization models
- Understand the importance of collaboration, focus and responsibility
- Understand all steps around committing developed code
- Understand where to apply version control and in which order
- Understand how to build configuration management for infra, middleware and applications
- Have the tools and criteria to assess which tests to automate and which tests not to automate
- Understands all steps in automated releases
- Can ask the critical questions needed to enable continuous deployments
- Has the skills to select the appropriate KPIs and understanding of how to govern the ecosystem.
IT management, business owners, digital transformation team members, change specialists, business analysts, business requirements specialists, IT project management, agile and lean people, IT architects, administrators and engineers, development team members, testing team members, deployment team members, operations and support organizations, managed services.
Course Descriptions
DevOps Overview
Traditional enterprises struggle with the agility of the IT development process. A cultural change is needed to enable predictable, [...]
DevOps Teamwork
DevOps mode of operation is slightly different from other development models in use. This [...]
DevOps Build Management
This course sets the foundation with coding stage best practices and areas of focus. The key factor in coding [...]
DevOps Configuration Management
Configuration management operates project artefact relations. “Operates” means identification or creation, storage, retrieval, audit, control, identification and change. Configuration [...]
DevOps Version Control
Version or source control is very different in DevOps compared with the software development life cycle (SDLC). The larger [...]
DevOps Test Automation
There are many kinds of tests, depending on application type and customer environment. But generally, tests can be simplified [...]
DevOps Release Management
Continuous integration is the crown jewel of DevOps release management. When everything else works and continuous integration is enabled, [...]
DevOps Management and Governance
A company with strict governance processes can hugely benefit from DevOps but it still needs governance. DevOps is different, [...]